Margarida BARROSO

ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa


2007-2013: PhD in Sociology, University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL)

2008-2009: Post-graduation in Data Analysis for Social Sciences, ISCTE-IUL

2001-2006: BA in Sociology, ISCTE-IUL 


Since 2018: Researcher, Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES), ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon

Since 2017: Invited Assistant Professor, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon

2014-2018: Research Fellow (Post-doc), CIES, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon

2013-2014: Research Associate, CIES, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon

2006-2013: Research Assistant, CIES, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon

2009: Graduate trainee, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND)

2006-2007: Professional trainer, CRC-Consultancy, Lisbon

Research projects

2018-2021: Quality of life in contemporary societies: Work, Gender and Education, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology

2014-2018: Organisational strategies to adjust to the economic crisis in Portugal, Spain and Greece, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology

2009-2013: Quality of working life in organisational contexts from North and South Europe, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (doctoral research project)

2010-2011: Gender, entrepreneurship and qualifications, Portuguese Commission for Gender Equality and Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology

2007-2009: Quality of life in a changing Europe, European Commission 6th Framework Program

2007-2008: Educational and professional trajectories of youngsters with low qualifications, Portuguese Ministry of Education

2008-2009: Social scientists from Portuguese-speaking countries: life stories, Foundation Getúlio Vargas (Brazil)


2017: Honorable Mention for the doctoral dissertation, Award António Dornelas, GEPE - Portuguese Ministry of Work, Solidarity and Social Security

Current research

GEMILLI – Gender, Migration and Illiteracy. Policy and Practice for Social Integration

This project aims to analyse the intersections of gender, migration and illiteracy in contemporary European societies, and to give evidence on policy and practice developments for the social integration of migrant women with low literacy in Europe. Building on the existing literature and research evidence, GEMILLI proposes an intersectional, comprehensive and integrated approach, able to advance knowledge further and to inform social policy in the context of the European Union.

Considering the present trends of international migration in Europe and the political and scientific challenges brought by the so-called migration crisis and by the increasing inflows of migrants from countries with high illiteracy, this project proposes a comparative, cross-country and multi-scope analysis of policy and practice between old and new immigration countries, taking Spain and France as case studies. GEMILLI will give evidence on a) the main country-differences regarding the social integration of migrant women with low literacy levels; b) the nature, characteristics and functioning of the local organisations working directly with migrant women with low literacy levels and in charge of training, alphabetisation, language learning, and social integration actions; c) the impacts of the intersections of gender, migration and illiteracy for the life trajectories of women. The research design contemplates both the qualitative and quantitative dimensions of the phenomenon and considers macro (institutional/policy), meso (organisation/practice) and micro (individuals/biographies) levels of analysis. It uses a mix-method methodology, combining complementary research strategies such as policy and institutional analysis, organisational case studies and life stories.

Relevent publications


- Guerreiro, Maria das Dores, Frederico Cantante and Margarida Barroso (2009), Trajectórias Escolares e Profissionais de Jovens comBaixas Qualificações [Educational and professional trajectories of low qualified youngsters], Lisbon, GEPE.

Book chapters

- Gonçalves, C., Couto, A., Barroso, M. and Cruz, S. (2019), “Valores do trabalho: regularidades e singularidades portuguesas” [Work values: Portuguese regularities and singularities], in Barbosa, A. and Parente, C., Sociologia, Gestão e Economia. Diálogos Transversais entre Brasil e Portugal, Curitiba, Editora CRV.
- Barroso, Margarida Martins (2018), “Changement organisationnel en temps de crise : une analyse de pratiques managériales au Portugal, en Espagne et en Grèce”, in Arborio A. M., Bouffartigue P. and Lamanthe A. (eds), Crises(s) et mondes du travail, Paris, Octares.
- Guerreiro, Maria das Dores and Margarida M. Barroso (2018), “Família e Gerações” [Family and Generations], in Carmo, R.M., J. Sebastião, S. Martins, J. Azevedo and A.F. Costa (eds), Desigualdades Sociais: Portugal e a Europa, Lisboa, Mundos Sociais.
- Barroso, Margarida Martins (2013), “Workers, the company and national institutions”, in Kirov, Vassil (ed.), Addressing quality of work in Europe, Sofia, Ciela 
- Barroso, Margarida Martins (2013), “Empresas multinacionais e filiação sindical: o caso de uma multinacional sueca e da sua subsidiária portuguesa” [Multinational companies and trade unionism: the case of a Swedish multinational and its Portuguese subsidiary], in Marques, Ana Paula, Carlos Gonçalves and Luísa Veloso, Trabalho, Organizações e Profissões: recomposições conceptuais e desafios empíricos, Lisbon, Portuguese Association of Sociology
- Lewis, Susan, Anneke Doornie-Huskies, Dorottya Reday and Margarida Barroso (2011), “The Healthy Organisation”, in Bäck-Wiklund, Margareta, Tanja van der Lippe, Laura den Dulk and Anneke Doornie-Huskies (eds), Quality of life and work in Europe: Theory, practice and policy, London, Palgrave MacMillan 
- Guerreiro, Maria das Dores, Frederico Cantante and Margarida Barroso (2010), “Um olhar sobre o abandono escolar precoce e suas implicações nos trajectos laborais de jovens portugueses” [A view over early school leaving and its implications for the work trajectories of Portuguese youngsters], in Carmo, Renato (org.), Desigualdades Sociais 2010: Estudos e Indicadores, Lisbon, Mundos Sociais

Articles published in scientific journals

- Barroso, Margarida M. (2018), “Swedishness at workplace: a case study of perceived cultural transfers in a Swedish multinational company and in its Portuguese subsidiary, Revista de Gestão dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, 18(3), 51-64.
- Barroso, Margarida M. (2018), “Quality of work research: a methodological review”, Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 17 (1), 89-103.
- Bäck-Wiklund, Margareta, Maria das Dores Guerreiro, Stefan Szucs, Leila Billquist, Margarida M. Barroso and Eduardo Alexandre Rodrigues (2018), “Os hospitais são organizações saudáveis? Qualidade de vida no trabalho hospitalar no norte e no sul da Europa”, Sociologia, problemas e práticas, 86, 45-67.
- Barroso, Margarida M. and Susana Santos (2017), “Studying large organisations and elites: limits and challenges of fieldwork”, La Critica Sociologica, 203 (3).
- Barroso, Margarida Martins (2017), “Crisis y trabajo. Un análisis de las políticas laborales de emergencia en Portugal, España y Grecia”, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 158: 3-22. [English version available]
- Guerreiro, MD., A. Caetano, E. Rodrigues, M. Barroso, AI. Couto (2016), “Becoming an Entrepreneur: a Diversity of factors, types and pathways”, Periodica Polytechnica, 24 (2), 74-82 
- Guerreiro, MD., M. Barroso, E. Rodrigues (2016), “Organizações saudáveis e qualidade do trabalho na Europa. Desafios para organizações e profissões no sector público de saúde” [Healthy organizations and quality of work in Europe. Challenges for organisations and occupations in the Public Health Sector], Organizações e Sociedade, 23 (78), 421-437 
- Barroso, MM. (2015), “Trabalho e saúde na Europa: um retrato por país e profissão” [Work and Health in Europe: a portrait by country and occupation], Fórum Sociológico, 26, 31-42
- Barroso, Margarida Martins (2014), “Qualidade do trabalho em tempo de crise: uma análise da agenda política europeia” [Quality of work in times of crisis: an analysis of the European political agenda], Organizações e Trabalho, 39/40, 9-26 
- Barroso, M.M. (2014), “Qualidade do trabalho e globalização: notas sobre os efeitos ambíguos da sociedade do conhecimento no mundo do trabalho” [Quality of work and globalisation: notes over the ambiguous effects of the knowledge society in the world of work], Iberoamérica Social, revista-red de estudios sociales, II, pp. 81-92
- Guerreiro, MD, A. Caetano, E. Rodrigues, M. Barroso e AI Couto (2013), “Caminhos para o empreendedorismo: uma tipologia de acesso à atividade empreendedora” [Pathways to entrepreneurship: a typology of the access to the entrepreneurial activity], REGEPE - Revista de Empreendedorismo e Gestão de Pequenas Empresas, v. 2, n.3.
- Barroso, Margarida (2011), “Social perceptions of siblings' sexual composition: evidence from Portuguese youth”, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 42, 5, 687-702 [2 citations]
- Barroso, Margarida, Magda Nico and Elisabete Rodrigues (2011), “Género e Sociologia: uma análise das desigualdades e dos estudos de género em Portugal” [Gender and sociology: an analysis of the inequalities in gender studies in Portugal], Sociologia Online (APS), 4, 73-102 

Conference Participation (most relevant)

- Barroso, M., “Migration, gender and absolute illiteracy: looking for intersections in European Social Policy”, The Migration Conference 2019, Universitá degli studi di Bari, 18-20 June 2019.
- Barroso, M., “Illiterate migrant women: an analysis of a social integration program in Spain”, The Migration Conference 2018, ISEG-Lisbon, 26-28 June 2018
- Barroso, M., “Práticas organizacionais de promoção da igualdade de género e de conciliação entre trabalho e vida pessoal: Portugal no contexto Europeu”, Género, Cidadania e Políticas de Igualdade, Fórum pesquisas CIES, ISCTE, Lisbon, 16 December 2016
- Barroso, M., “Mulheres, migrantes e iletradas: análise de um programa de integração laboral em Espanha”, 2nd International Meeting of Industrial Sociology, Sociology of Organisations and Sociology of Work, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa, 24-25 November 2016
- Guerreiro, MD., M. Barroso, AI, Couto, A. Caetano, E. Rodrigues, A. Alexandre, "Policies and practices in the promotion of female entrepreneurship: evidence from Portugal”, Community, Work and Family. IV International Conference, Tampere, 19-21 May 2011
- Guerreiro, MD., A. Caetano, E. Rodrigues, M. Barroso, AI Couto, A. Oliveira, "Gender and entrepreneurship in Portugal”, XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg, 11-17 July 2010
- Lewis, S., MD. Guerreiro, M. Brookes, E. Rodrigues, M. Barroso, "Work engagement, work-family enrichment and gender in Portugal and the UK”, 9th Conference of the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS), Instituto degli Innocenti, Florence, 19-23 July 2009.
- Barroso, M., E. Rodrigues, M. Nico, "Gender in Sociology: Analysing Gender Inequalities and Gender Studies in a Southern European Country”, Inequalities in Higher Education and Research, 2nd International RESUP Conference, Lausanne, 18-20 June 2009
- Guerreiro, MD., F. Cantante, M. Barroso, "Life trajectories of young generations with low qualifications: School, Family and Labour Market Experiences”, Community, Work and Family in the 21st Century: Innovation and Sustainability, Utrecht, 16-18 April 2009.

Key words

Gender; Migration; Illiteracy; Intersectionality; Adult education; Social Policy; European policy; Spain; France


01/03/2022 - Français