50 years of Scholarship on the Southern European Democratic Transitions: A Comparative Approach

Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez 53-1

  • 33 €
  • 2023
  • ISBN 9788490964163
  • 343 pp.
  • 17 x 24 cms.
  • Rústica
  • Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez no 53-1


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An assessment of five decades of historiography on democratic transitions in Southern Europe, through articles co-authored by specialists on Greece, Portugal and Spain.

This dossier aims to compare and contrast the Southern European democratic transitions of the 1970s. Our starting point is that although the three Transitions were conceptually linked from the beginning as the vanguard of Huntington’s famous “third wave” of democratic transitions, there has been little substantive comparative historical research that considers all three cases together. This special issue takes the Southern European “model” as its point of departure, re-evaluating it in the wake of almost five decades of historiography. In so doing, we also hope to open new lines of comparative analysis for the next generation of transition scholars. To foster a truly comparative approach, the editors pursued a strategy of co-authorship around common themes, hoping this would facilitate deeper conversations across national divides and languages. Thus, the editors identified what we viewed as major areas of historical research on the Transitions and asked our co-authors to collaborate in comparing and contrasting the parameters of each theme across the three cases. The first article explores the institutional aspects of the transitions “from above”, while the second focuses on social movements and the Transitions “from below.” The third article compares approaches to gender and the Transitions, while the fourth considers the transnational and international dimensions. The fifth article tackles the scholarship on historical memory and the Transitions, while the final article analyzes the similarities and differences among them.


DOSSIER 50 years of Scholarship on the Southern European Democratic Transitions: A Comparative Approach

Pamela Radcliff, Kostis Kornetis, Pedro Aires Oliveira
Introduction and historiographical review

Maria Inácia Rezola, Ioannis Mpalampanidis
From dictatorship to democracy: the institutional Transitions from above?

Nikolaos Papadogiannis, Pedro Ramos Pinto
Social change, protest and participation in Greece, Portugal and Spain

Kostas Yannakopoulos, Teresa María Ortega López
Gender and the Transitions

Antonio Muñoz Sánchez, Sethelos Isidoros Balios
Transnational and International Dimensions of the Transitions

Miguel Cardina, Magda Fytili
From History to memory: Representations of Regime change in Portugal, Spain and Greece

Diego Palacios, Víctor Fernández Soriano
Close, yet different. The Southern European Transitions of the 1970s revisited

António Costa Pinto
Three notes on past and present debates about the democratization of Southern Europe in the 1970s


Jaime Elipe
Perdiendo pleitos, señoríos y mitras. El linaje de los Aragón a comienzos del reinado de Carlos V

Aurélien Montel
Le rôle d’al-Andalus dans l’introduction du malikisme au Maghreb extrême : l’exemple de Fès (IVe/Xe siècles)

Laurent Nagy
Les agents révolutionnaires français à Barcelone au printemps 1821

Nahuel Vasallo
La guerra contra los “indios infieles” y la defensa de la frontera sur de Buenos Aires (1734-1742)


Grégory Reimond
Retour sur les origines de l’École des hautes études hispaniques à la lumière des archives personnelles de Pierre Paris

ONIX 3.0



01/07/2024 - Francés