Oxford University
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Academic Background and Career

- Since 2015 : Research Fellow, Wolfson College, Oxford
- 2014-2015 : Lecturer, Faculty of History, Oxford University
- 2013-2014 : Research Fellow, Oxford Brookes University
- 2012-2013 : Research Fellow, Istituto di Studi Avanzati, University of Bolonia 
- 2010-2012: Tutorial Fellow, St Hugh’s College, Oxford
- 2009-2010 : Teaching Fellow, University College, Cork
- 2005-2009 : DPhil in Modern History, supervisor Nicholas Davidson, The Carafa trial and the politics of nepotism in sixteenth-century Rome, St Catherine’s College, Oxford
- 2003-2005 : MA in Medieval Studies, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto
- 2000-2003 : BA (Hons) in History, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

Current research

The Pope beyond Rome is a project to investigate the papacy’s role as a cultural force and an agent of transnational exchange within early modern Catholicism. Acceptance of the pope’s authority was the single most important belief to unite Catholics and distinguish them from other Christians in this period. Yet papal historians have rarely engaged with the texts, images, artefacts and cultural practices by which many Catholics, especially those outside Italy, articulated that belief. The pope is thus a surprisingly marginal figure in many key discourses about early modern Catholicism as a religious and cultural system: its expressions of piety and sanctity, its evangelizing missions, its concepts of political economy and its understandings of categories like the self, community, tradition and knowledge. This project proposes to excavate and analyse the disparate range of sources needed to restore the pope to wider discussions about wider early modern Catholic culture, not merely as a patron of specific initiatives but as a sacred and authoritative figure in his own right.

The project builds on my own earlier work on the political and constitutional aspects to papal history and also on my interest in how the papacy was viewed from Spain, to consider this question on a holistic basis. It aims both to advance a new religious and social history of Roman Catholicism in a global context and also to contribute to important conceptual challenges facing global history today: how to link centres to far-flung peripheries and how to relate the micro-scale of everyday experiences to macro- narratives, stories about ‘great men’ and powerful institutions.

The project is therefore a major intervention not only in the history of one of the world’s most populous religions but also in the history of globalization’s first great ‘age’, when Europeans set forth to trade, colonize and disseminate their culture. It uses its analysis of the pope’s role and the way that the papacy was received to consider broad questions about the nature of Catholicism itself.

Principal publications

Pius IV and the Fall of the Carafa: Nepotism and Papal Authority in Counter-Reformation Rome (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013).
- Electing the Pope in Early Modern Italy, 1450-1700 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017).

Edited books
- Corpus Lives: A Biographical History of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 1352-2002 (avec Peter Martland, Cambridge: Corpus Christi College, 2003).
- The Spanish Presence in Sixteenth-Century Italy: Images of Iberia (avec Piers Baker-Bates, Farnham: Ashgate, 2014).
- Cultures of Voting in Pre-Modern Europe (avec Serena Ferente et Lovro Kuncevic, London: Routledge, à paraître en 2017).
- A Companion to the Early Modern Cardinal (avec Mary Hollingsworth et Arnold Witte, Leiden: Brill, Companions to the Christian Tradition, à paraître en 2018).

Articles and book chapters
- «The Canonisation of Clare of Assisi and Early Franciscan History», Journal of Ecclesiastical History 59 (2008), 208-226.
- «Governor and Government in Sixteenth-Century Rome», Papers of the British School at Rome 77 (2009), 257-72.
- «The Conclaves of 1590 to 1592: An Electoral Crisis of the Early Modern Papacy?», Sixteenth Century Journal 44 (2013), 391-410.
- «Rome as a "Spanish Avignon"? The Spanish Faction and the Monarchy of Philip II», dans Piers Baker-Bates and Miles Pattenden (dir.), The Spanish Presence in Sixteenth-Century Italy: Images of Iberia (Farnham: Ashgate, 2014), 65-84.
- «From Ambassador to Cardinal? Francisco de Vargas at the papal court (1559-63)», dans Diana Carrió-Invernizzi (dir.), Embajadores culturales. Transferencias y lealtades de la diplomacia española de la edad moderna (Madrid: Editorial UNED, 2016), 139-56.
- «Thomas F. Mayer (1951-2014) and the Roman Inquisition», Reviews in Religion and Theology 23 (2016), 101-08.
- «Cultures of Secrecy in Pre-Modern Papal Elections», dans Serena Ferente, Lovro Kuncevic and Miles Pattenden (dir.), Cultures of Voting in Pre-Modern Europe (London: Routledge, à paraître en 2017).
- «The College of Cardinals», dans Mary Hollingsworth, Miles Pattenden and Arnold Witte (eds.), A Companion to the Early Modern Cardinal (Leiden: Brill, à paraître en 2018).
- «Cardinals and the non-Christian World», dans Mary Hollingsworth, Miles Pattenden and Arnold Witte (dir.), A Companion to the Early Modern Cardinal (Leiden: Brill, à paraître en 2018).
- «Antonio de Fuenmayor’s Life of Pius V: a pope in early modern Spanish Historiography», Renaissance Studies 32 (2018), déjà publié en ligne.
- «The Roman Curia», dans Pamela Jones, Simon Ditchfield and Barbara Wisch (dir.), A Companion to Early Modern Rome: 1492-1712 (Brill: Leiden, à paraître en 2018).


01/03/2022 - Espagnol