Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez. Nouvelle série (MCV)

Six-monthly magazine (April and November), Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez. Nouvelle Série covers, without chronological restriction, a wide range of disciplinary fields (history, archaeology, literature, geography, sociology, anthropology...) and presents unpublished research results on the Iberian Peninsula, the Maghreb and the Iberian Atlantic area, according to rigorous scientific criteria. With the exception of archaeological issues, both the African and the Atlantic space are not dealt with by themselves, but rather by the centuries-old links they have forged with the Iberian Peninsula.

The dossiers and the thematic articles in the Miscellanées will favour diachronic, multiscale or interdisciplinary approaches, in the sense that they make it possible to explore new paths, highlight new dynamics and cross different approaches. A final section devoted to current research brings together historiographical articles, opinion articles on current scientific debates, cross-readings and reviews of recently published works. The latter are published online only.

The accepted languages of publication are French and the official ones in the Iberian Peninsula; English and Italian are accepted for articles, provided they are in the author's mother tongue.


In compliance with the formal requirements of European rating agencies, the journal is recognised by the CNRS for its "undeniable scientific quality", qualifying it as a "journal of reference" (National Committee evaluation, autumn 2013 session). Again, the Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología classifies Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez as a "Journal of Excellence" (certificate FECYT-060/2011), renewed in 2022, which distinguishes the best Spanish scientific journals.

The journal is referenced in the principal international data bases, and its articles, among others, are summarised and indexed in Latindex® (catalogue), Arts and Humanities Citation Index® and SCOPUS®. It is classified in category A by Difusión y Calidad Editorial de las Revistas Españolas de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (DICE) and is approved by the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH PLUS).


SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Online access

The old collection (years 1965-1996) is freely accessible at persee.fr.

The New Series (2003- ) is available at OpenEdition Journals.

Technical specifications

The languages of publication are chiefly French and Spanish; English, Catalan, Italian and Portuguese are accepted provided that they are the author's native language..

  • No cover illustrations
  • Paper format: 17 x 24 cm
  • ISSN 0076-230X
  • Electronic ISSN 2173-1306


Technical specifications

  • Composition: one presentation (6 000 to 18 000 keystrokes, without footnotes or references), five to seven contributions and one conclusion or one counterpoint article (55 000 keystrokes per contribution, including footnotes and references)
  • Text presenting the Dossier, to be rendered in French, Spanish and/or English (800 keystrokes)
  • Summaries of the contributions, in order of their appearance in the Dossier, to be rendered in French, Spanish and/or English (800 to 1 000 keystrokes per summary)
  • Key words: 6 (in French, Spanish and/or English, placed in alphabetical order)
  • Illustrations: Maximum 10 per contribution (black and white for paper format; colour for numeric format)

Responsibility of scientific editor(s) (maximum 2)

Only editorial correspondents. Responsible for the following tasks:

  • To collect the contributions and coordinate with the various authors in the dossier, and to harmonise and revise texts and summaries
  • To forward the Letter of assignment of copyright to contributors, to be returned completed and signed
  • Observance of the Advice to authors (text and illustrations)
  • The manuscript delivered (text, illustrations and a summary of 800 keystrokes) must conform to the journal's formal and scientific requirements

Responsibilities of authors of contributions

  • Adherence to the journal's specific characteristics, both formal and scientific
  • Observance of the Advice to authors (text and illustrations)

> Complete the on-line form for submission of a MCV publishing proposal (Dossier).


Technical specifications

  • 55 000 keystrokes (per contribution, including footnotes and references)
  • Key words: 6 (in French, Spanish and/or English, placed in alphabetical order)
  • Summary of article, to be rendered in French, Spanish and/or English (800 to 1 000 keystrokes)
  • Illustrations: Maximum 10 (black and white for paper format; colour for numeric format)

Responsibilities of authors of articles

  • Adherence to the journal's specific characteristics, both formal and scientific
  • Observance of the Advice to authors (text and illustrations)

> Complete the on-line form for submission of a Article in Miscellanées.


Technical specifications

  • Introduction: 8 000 to 10 000 keystrokes
  • Contributions: 100 000 keystrokes in total (for example, up to six contributions: maximum 15 000 keystrokes per article, including footnotes)
  • References are rendered in full in footnotes (see Instructions for remittal of references)
  • Text presenting dossier, to be rendered in French, Spanish and/or English (800 keystrokes)
  • Illustrations: maximum 5 per contribution (colour for numeric format). Media (videos, audio documents) may be published online

Responsibility of scientific editor(s) (maximum 2)

Only editorial correspondents. Responsible for the following tasks:

  • To collect the contributions and coordinate with the various authors in the dossier, and to harmonise and revise texts
  • To forward the Letter of assignment of copyright to contributors, to be returned completed and signed
  • Observance of the Advice to authors (text and illustrations)
  • The manuscript delivered (text, illustrations and a summary of 800 keystrokes) must conform to the journal's formal and scientific requirements

Responsibilities of authors of contributions

  • Adherence to the journal's specific characteristics, both formal and scientific
  • Observance of the Advice to authors (text and illustrations)s

Chronique des livres

Technical specifications

  • Essai critique (12 000 – 15 000 keystrokes)
  • Autour d’un livre (5 000 – 7 000 keystrokes per text)


Fill in the online form for a submission to the MCV :


> ARTICLE in Miscellanées

It is understood that when any step is taken to publish the results of a scientific research project, the article has never been published and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere.

The sending of a text is taken to imply acceptance and observance of the Copyright and self-archiving policy operated by Casa de Velázquez.

All pre-print proposals are submitted to a preliminary assessment by the Editorial panel.

Editorial panel

Francisco ANDÚJAR CASTILLO Catedrático Univ. de Almería
David BECERRA MAYOR Profesor Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Gwladys BERNARD Directrice des études, époques ancienne et médiévale EHEHI-Casa de Velázquez
Michel CAHEN Directeur de recherche CNRS (Lam, Bordeaux)
Sophie GILOTTE Chargée de recherche CNRS (Ciham, Lyon)
Luis GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ Directeur des études, époques moderne et contemporaine EHEHI-Casa de Velázquez
Cyril ISNART Chargé de recherche HDR CNRS (Idemec, Aix-Marseille)
Jesús IZQUIERDO MARTÍN Profesor titular Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Amélie NUQ Maîtresse de conférences Université Grenoble Alpes
Évelyne SANCHEZ Chargée de recherche CNRS (IHTP, Paris)
Hélène SIRANTOINE Lecturer Univ. of Sydney



Advisory board

Jacques ALEXANDROPOULOS Professeur Univ. Toulouse-Jean Jaurès
Martín ALMAGRO-GORBEA Catedrático Univ. Complutense de Madrid
José ÁLVAREZ JUNCO Catedrático Univ. Complutense de Madrid
Nelly AMRI Professeure Univ. De La Manouba
Paul AUBERT Professeur Aix-Marseille Univ.
Daniel BALOUP Professeur Univ. Toulouse-Jean Jaurès
Walther L. BERNECKER Lehrstuhl Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg
Antonio CABALLOS RUFINO Catedrático Univ. de Sevilla
Pedro CARDIM Professor associado Univ. Nova de Lisboa
Geneviève CHAMPEAU Professeur Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne
Jaime CONTRERAS Catedrático Univ. de Alcalá
Patrice CRESSIER Chargé de recherche CNRS (Ciham Lyon)
Luisa-ELENA DELGADO Univ. Illinois
Luis MIGUEL DUARTE Professor Univ. do Porto
Anne DUBET Professeure Univ. Clermont-Auvergne
Geneviève FABRY Professeure Univ. Louvain
Pablo FERNÁNDEZ ALBALADEJO Catedrático Univ. Autónoma de Madrid
Javier FERNÁNDEZ SEBASTIÁN Catedrático Univ. del País Vasco
Teresa FERRER VALLS Catedrática Univ. de Valencia
Marie FRANCO Professeur Sorbonne nouvelle-Paris 3
Antoni FURIÓ Catedrático Univ. de València
Ana GALLEGO CUIÑAS Catedrática Univ. De Granada
María PAZ GARCÍA-BELLIDO Investigadora Madrid
Sandra GAYOL Profesora titular Univ. Nacional de General Sarmiento - Investigadora Principal CONICET
Helen GRAHAM Professor Univ. of London
Klaus HERBERS Professor Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg
Xavier HUETZ DE LEMPS Professeur Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis
Emilio LA PARRA LÓPEZ Catedrático Univ. de Alicante
Jo LABANYI Emeritus Professor New York University
Miguel ÁNGEL LADERO QUESADA Catedrático Univ. Complutense de Madrid
Patrick LE ROUX Professeur Univ. Paris 13
María VICTORIA LÓPEZ-CORDÓN CORTEZO Catedrática Univ. Complutense de Madrid
Annick LOUIS Catedrática Univ. Franche-Comté
Manuela MARÍN Investigadora Madrid
Dirce MARZOLI Directora Inst. Arqueológico Alemán de Madrid
Beatriz MONCÓ REVILLA Catedrática emérita Univ. Complutense de Madrid
Pierre MORET Directeur de recherche CNRS
Consuelo NARANJO OROVIO Profesora de investigación CSIC
Bernard POTTIER Professeur Univ. Sorbonne Univeristé
Maria GRAZIA PROFETI Professore ordinario Univ. degli Studi di Firenze
Ofelia REY CASTELAO Catedrática Univ. de Santiago de Compostela
Francisco RICO MANRIQUE Catedrático Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona
Isabel RODÀ DE LLANZA Catedrática Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona
Oliva RODRÍGUEZ GUTIÉRREZ Catedrática Univ. de Sevilla
Pierre ROUILLARD Directeur de recherche CNRS
Pedro RÚJULA Catedrático Univ. de Zaragoza,
Jean-Frédéric SCHAUB Directeur d’études EHESS
Bruna SORAVIA Docente LUISS Guido Carli
Margarita SUÁREZ ESPINOSA Profesora principal Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Jonathan THACKER Professor Magdalen College Oxford
Pierre TOUBERT Professeur Collège de France
Julia TUÑON PABLOS Profesora-investigadora Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
María isabel DEL VAL VALDIVIESO Catedrática Univ. de Valladolid
Carmen VALCARCEL RIVERA Catedrática Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Manuel VALENZUELA Catedrático Univ. Autónoma de Madrid
Marc VITSE Professeur émérite Univ. Toulouse-Jean Jaurès
Andrea ZORZI Professore associato Univ. degli Studi di Firenze

Sales and subscriptions


Price for 1 year / 2 numbers, including shipping costs:

Institutions > 59 euros
individuals > 50 euros

Other countries
Institutions > 69 euros
Individuals> 60 euros

Please send your subscription request to publicaciones@casadevelazquez.org.

Paper edition

The Mélanges are available in all bookstores in France and Spain. They can also be ordered on the online bookshop of the Casa de Velázquez.

Digital edition

The old series of Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez (numbers 1-32) is available in open access on Persée.

All issues of the new series of Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez (since 2003) are available in open access on Open Edition Journals.