Call for applications

As a joint research centre between the UAM and Casa de Velázquez, the MIAS was admitted in April 2019 as a full member of the prestigious NetIAS (Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study). Its main objective is to strengthen and internationalize research in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences, through a policy of invitation to high-level researchers, of all nationalities. Its regulations is therefore based on an open call for applications. Following acceptance through a strict selection process, fellows are given autonomy in the development of their research project, albeit they are encouraged to interact with one another and with the scientific community at local, regional and national levels.

The MIAS’s scientific community as such consists of around 30 researchers in Human and Social Sciences, whose scientific stays in Madrid varies from 3 to 3 years.



Call for applications
18ABRIL - 10MAIO 2024

Accueil en délégation au MIAS - Casa de Velázquez

Délégation MESR


Profile: Experienced professors (Ph.D. for more than 10 years) from a French University with the intention of presenting a national or european project 

Duration: 1 leave from 6 to 12 months

MESR - Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche



Programme SMI du CNRS : cofinancement InSHS – Casa de Velázquez 2024

Mobilité vers le Madrid Institute for Advanced Study - MIAS

Dans le cadre du soutien à la mobilité internationale, l’InSHS et la Casa de Velázquez proposent aux chercheur(e)s, enseignant(e)s-chercheur(e)s et ingénieur(e)s de recherche des unités de recherche dont le CNRS est tutelle ou cotutelle, une aide pour la réalisation d’actions de recherche en 2024 au sein du MIAS-Madrid Institute for Advanced Study

L’aide accordée a pour objet le financement de missions comprises entre 3 et 9 mois durant l’année civile 2024.

Candidatures jusqu'au 14 novembre 2023

Call for applications

Tomás y Valiente

Profile: Holders of a Ph.D. degree issued for at least 3 years and up to 10 years

Duration: 3 years (renewable for an additional 2 years)

Number of contracts offered in 2024-2025: 2

Call for applications

Marcel Bataillon

Profile: Ph.D. holders

Residency duration and period: 10 months (non renewable)

Number of contracts offered in 2024-2025: up to 3 (1 senior fellow and 2 junior fellows)

Call for applications

Short stays - François Chevalier and Lucienne Domergue

Profile: Ph.D. holders

Residency duration and period: 3 months

Number of fellowships in 2024-2025: Up to 45 monthly grants divided into fellowships of 3 months

Provision of accommodation

(*) Accommodation is in accordance with the Casa de Velázquez’s rules of procedures and is subject to availability.



Réflexions entre France et Espagne au temps de la Seconde Guerre Carliste

Alexandre DUPONT
08/05/2018 - 30min 18s - Français