Jean-Philippe LUIS

46 years
Professor at the University Blaise-Pascal of Clermont-Ferrand and membre of History Center Spaces and Cultures

Academic background

Associate of History, member of the School of Advanced Hispanic Studies (Casa de Velázquez), Lecturer in Modern History at the University Blaise-Pascal of Clermont-Ferrand between 1997-2008, he was professor of contemporary history at Blaise-Pascal University since 2008.

Current Research

His thesis focused on the state apparatus in the transition between the Old Regime and liberal state. The study of political and social history of the administration led him to focus on personnel management and administrative reforms that mark on this management in the years 1823-1833. Besides this knowledge of the sources and operation of the headquarters, he was brought, as part of its HDR, around the person of Maria Alejandro Aguado, to address social promotions fast marking in Spanish during the Eighteenth century. He finally answered in this same context the renewed trade relations between Europe and Cuba in the aftermath of the Napoleonic episode. These two experiences have allowed scientists to make the learning of database administrators.

Featured publications

  • « La croissance ambiguë du Leviathan dans l’Europe du XIXe siècle : l’exemple de la rationalisation de l’État espagnol », Revue Historique, CCCI/3, 1999, pp. 483-506.
  • L'utopie réactionnaire : épuration et modernisation de l'État dans l'Espagne de la fin de l'Ancien Régime (1823-1834), Madrid, Bibliothèque de la Casa de Velázquez, vol. 21, Madrid, 2002.
  • « Les paradoxes de la politisation dans la fonction publique», La naissance de la politique moderne en Espagne (milieu XVIIIe-milieu XIXe siècle), Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, n° 34 (2), 2005, pp. 143-164.
  • L’ivresse de la fortune. A. M. Aguado, un génie des affaires, Paris, Payot, 2009.